Episode 14: Ebony Ford


“Don’t stifle your victory by anticipating failure.” - Ebony Ford

Chile, the #blessings of the Lord are real! As I said to Ebony today, “Warrior is not a fair word to call you.” She is FAR beyond that. Ebony Ford @andsheshallreign has lived through 3 losses of 4 babies (set of boy twins) that now watch over her from heaven. She has survived a severe case of preeclampsia that threatened to take her life. And through it all, with the strength of her husband Ryan, Ebony delivered her daughter Baby Reign at just 1lb 15oz. This beautiful little life called Reign fought the odds against her and survived then thrived beyond every setback in her way. She is now a happy 2yr old Queen running the show.

With a SURPRISE from the beautiful actress @michellemitchenor from the set of #firstwivesclub, we all were gifted Ebony. Michelle found Ebony’s blog as she lay in a hospital bed pregnant with the possibility of delivering early. Michelle was comforted by Ebony’s story of resilience and made sure to introduce me to the fierce woman who blessed WARRIOR WEDNESDAY today! Ebony, I thank you for every word you spoke. I guarantee you have changed lives today. You most certainly changed mine. Michelle 🗣I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOUR LIVE MAMA!! What a gift you already are! Thank you Queens. This was EVERYYYTHAAAANG and will forever stay in my heart!

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Episode 15: SURPRISE! Three Warriors join by surprise


Episode 13: Nichelle Sublett #StartAsking