Episode 19: Warrior Men! Ryan Vincent Ford, Kahlil Polston, and Jimmy Keys


THREE KINGS! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘They prayed us in, they prayed us through, and they prayed us out!! TODAY was the day that lives were undoubtedly CHANGED. Ryan Vincent Ford, Kahlil Polston, and Jimmy Keys bravely joined the infertility community and spoke truth to power, vulnerability to action, and fear to love. These brothas broke generational curses and LITERALLY kicked down the walls of isolation and decided to suffer in silence NO MORE! Infertility IS A MANโ€™S VOICE, and today we heard it! What an anointing was felt. Only God can do what was done through these men today. Every word and every tear was a blessing dropped for the next man to feel less alone in the journey of infertility. A MUST WATCH. A MUST FEEL!!! Life shifting moments donโ€™t happen everyday... but today is the day the Lord hath made!! And WE are so glad HE DID! A humble thank you again to @ryanvincentford @jkeysmusic and Kahlil Polston. You all are OUR BLESSING and today and forever youโ€™re ALL DEEPLY LOVED! โค๏ธ


Episode 20: Jordana Hemingway talks Fibroids


Episode 18: Dr. Cindy M. Duke MD, Ph.D, FACOG